Saturday, November 26, 2022

Liabilities After Forgiveness

In its effect sin is like a wound. First there is the open gash drawing away the life-blood; this closes, the mortal danger ceases, but a crusted cicatrice remains ; after it has healed, there is still a scar left, which is disfiguring although not dangerous. So after the mortal guilt of sin has been remitted, there remain certain vestiges of sin, the habit or inclination to repeat it, and noxious impressions which remain in the character as they do in the brain cells. To efface all this is a work of time. New tendencies have to be nurtured till virtue becomes a spontaneous instead of a forced growth, new impressions must overgrow the old, both in the physical and the spiritual being. This cannot be done in a moment. There may indeed be a degree of grief which is adequate punishment in itself, and of love uniting so closely with God as to destroy at once all that is alien to Him in the soul. But normally, growth is slow. The tree felled in a day cannot be replaced for centuries. Many graces of action, many infusions of sanctifying grace, many sacraments are needed for the rehabilitation of the soul. You may be sure that you have much work of this kind to do. Continue for ever paying off your debts and effacing the traces of sin in your soul. You can never do too much. "Be not afraid to be justified even to death" (Eccli. xviii. 22).