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February 9, 2023 |
The distinction of the personalities in the Trinity is constituted by the relations resulting from the intrinsic activity of the One God. Life, in modern language, is re sponsiveness to environment ; or, action produces relativity. How is this ? Action is a kind of movement ; movement involves a thence and a thither ; it must have a subject, an object, and a point of communication between them. Thus human activity is composed of our relations to God, men, and things. Relation is the connecting together of distinct things. A complete drawing together would be unity ; a complete separation would be plurality ; perfect relation consists of the two things ; it is plurality in unity. For instance our bodily life is unity of action in plurality of organs ; intellectual life is unity of consciousness with plurality of thoughts ; a State is unum e pluribus. The relation becomes more perfect as the unity is founded on a fuller similarity of nature between the two things related. The internal activity of God involves internal relationships, and those of the most perfect kind, i.e. with a most perfect community of nature. God is Life ; the highest activity of life is fecundity ; and this is the chief source of plurality in unity. God is Goodness ; and goodness, communicating itself, involves unity and plurality. God is Beauty ; and beauty arises from harmony in multiplicity. All this in volves that there be in God some form of supreme plurality in unity. Your relations are with God and your neighbour. Religion is the regulation of these. Charity is your highest activity, binding you to God and men.
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