Friday, March 3, 2023

The Will and Love in The Angels

The angels, having intelligence or knowledge of truth and goodness, have necessarily the correlative power of the will by which they choose and adhere to that which is good. There are four ways in which things gravitate towards that which suits their nature and their wants.
1. Dead matter is moved by external compulsion without having any source of motion in itself. The stone is drawn downwards by the force of the earth s attraction.
2. Organized beings without consciousness are moved by certain molecular changes in their substance. So the flower opens to the sun, and the roots of a tree travel underground towards water. 3. Animals perceive what they want by their senses, and blind instinct makes them seek the gratification. 4. Intelligent beings perceive by the senses and the mind, they reason and deliberate, choose or reject, take measures to carry out their determination, adhere to it and delight in it. The angels possess this power of free-will, as do men, but in a more perfect manner. Their intelligence is not obscured, partially enlightened and partially blinded like ours; their will, in proportion, is deliberate in its motions and firm in its determination. They know clearly, resolve firmly, and abide forever by their decision. You too have this great power ; it is not perfect in you ; it needs to be carefully cultivated. You can increase its force and its propension to good. You can neglect it till it becomes impotent. You then fall under the dominion of the primary bodily appetites: you reject the restraining influence of grace: reason alone does not suffice as a check: you have not the restraint of instinct like the animals: and your perverted will carries you head long to destruction.  Continue Reading.