Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Annunciation

"The angel Gabriel was sent from God . . . to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph . . . and the name of the Virgin was Mary" (Luke ii. 26, 27).
Now, for the first time, an angel of God bows before one of the fallen race, and speaks to her as the servant of a king might salute a powerful princess. The angel's message was to ask the consent and co-operation of the lowly Virgin in the great mystery of divine power and mercy. 

God asks your consent to some designs of His grace. He wishes to do much in you. Strive to be faithful, obedient, generous in your consent, as was the Holy Virgin. 

To continue Click on Page 342.  

Meditations on Christian Dogma, Volume 1 
The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1961