Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Beatific Vision

At present we cannot picture to ourselves more than the treasures of natural knowledge, and we aspire to these accordingly. This knowledge doubtless we shall possess in all its fulness; and, extensive though it is, it will be the mere beginning of a further knowledge that will absorb into itself and transcend all the science which now we value so highly. The supernatural knowledge which religion communicates to us now, and which we hold by the evidence of faith and not by the evidence of sense, is the foregleam of the knowledge which we shall see in the Beatific Vision. This knowledge alone will never become void when all else shall lose its interest for us; and by God's mercy this highest science is accessible to the simplest souls. Value it as better than all the natural attainments of the intellect.
To continue Click on Page 12.

Meditations on Christian Dogma, Volume 2 
The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1961