Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday of the Third Week in Advent

O ever blessed Virgin and Mother of the Redeemer, in union with all the angels, I dowry the Divine Word in thy chaste womb. With still greater ardor I unite myself with thy love-inflamed heart, which far surpasses the love of the seraphim and cherubim. Oh, impart to me of the light and grace thou didst receive from thy Divine Son ate the moment of the Incarnation. Help me to know and love Him Who chose thee from all eternity for His Mother. Obtain for me, in particular, the grace to give my heart wholly to God alone, in imitation of thy example, that it may live in Him and that divine love reign supreme in my soul.

Resolution: I will endeavor to remain intimately united with God by frequent acts of love.

May you all be kept safe, spirit, soul, and body, for the coming of the Lord.

Jesus the Model of Religious, 1925

Come to Mass with us!