Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Will of God

The will is a necessary accompaniment of intelligence. The intelligence knows and compares different things, or different courses of action; the will is the executive power which gives effect to the judgments. As the intelligence activity commences, by the will it is carried to completion. The Supreme Power is not a blind force like the air or gravitation; such a power would be inferior to us who possess a will, and it could not have given birth to an effect in us so far superior to the cause. The divine power, mercy, justice, generosity, all imply the determination of an infinite will. God possesses this faculty, like all others, in an infinite degree. He has the power of choosing or rejecting, of desiring, of inclining towards His creatures, taking delight in them, and of loving them. The will of God differs from ours in several respects : 

1. It does not waver between good and evil, but is irrevocably fixed in its determination towards perfect good. 

2. It is not affected or changed by external forces, but it exercises complete domination over them.

3. It is not impotent and fragile, but it is all-powerful and invincible. 

Nothing is more perfect, more mighty, more beneficent than the Divine Will. God "worketh all things according to the counsel of His will" (Eph. i. 11). As you serve God by your reason and intelligence in receiving the truths of faith, complete the offering by the service of your will, inclining towards Him, obeying His commands, delighting in Him, loving Him.

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