Sunday, December 18, 2022

The Eternity of Hell

The most terrible element of hell, its eternity, depends, like all other of its details, on the nature of man and the nature of sin. Man is immortal, his decision at death is final,  his sin if not recalled is eternal, hell therefore cannot be otherwise than eternal. 

1. The soul is indestructible. God gives and does not withdraw; He creates and does not destroy; His action tends towards being and what is positive, and not towards the negative and to non-being, which is the direct opposite to Him. The soul then cannot be annihilated. Neither can it die; for dying is the resolution of the atoms, and their entrance into new combinations; the soul is not composed of atoms. The soul, as the noblest being and greatest force on earth, cannot be less durable than the particle of granite which remains from the foundation of the world, than the ray of sunshine whose effect goes on till the end. 

2. The effect of the soul's action is in itself eternal; for no force ordinarily is dissipated and lost; it continues in its consequences. The one exception is when sin expends its energy on Our Lord Jesus Christ, and is reversed by the infinite power of His atonement, which is applied to us by means of repentance and the sacraments. How great is the importance of man in the universe; how great the responsibilities of his life! The effect of your works this day will never be lost. Take care so to act that they may abide unto eternal life and not unto death.