Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Sentence of Condemnation

"The Judgment of God on the world will be different from all those that we know of on earth. 

1. It will be most complete. The knowledge of the cause will be perfect, and there will be the fullest consideration of all the circumstances. There will be no concealment of facts, no obscuring of the issue, no pretended excuses. All will be most rigid and equitable. 

2. No intervention will be possible to change the sentence. All intercession, viz., the voice of the Precious Blood, has been rejected by the sinner during life; and failing that, "there is no man that can deliver out of Thy hand" (Job x. 7). 

3. There will be no appeal to a higher court, for there is none higher. 

4. There will be no pleading of repentance to move the Judge, for the criminals are those who have finally refused to repent, and have hardened themselves against pardon. 

5. No atonement can be made by the guilty; man is not capable of it, and they have rejected the atonement of their Saviour. Therefore  "no brother can redeem, nor shall man redeem. He shall not give to God his ransom nor the price of the redemption of his soul; and he shall labour for ever, and shall live unto the end" (Ps. xlviii. 8-10). Now, the future is to you as plastic as wax: you can now make that inexorable judgment to be what you like: you can pay the price of the redemption of your soul. Do not wait, as many do, till the opportunity is past.