Thursday, January 25, 2024

Friday's Resolution

Resolution - I will patiently bear all sufferings of this day in union with Jesus and Mary.

Spiritual Bouquet: "Great as the sea is her sorrow."

Jesus Leaves His Blessed Mother

In the small, sun-drenched town of Nazareth, there was a stirring of tender sorrow in the air, as Mary stood at the threshold of her modest home, her gaze fixed on the dusty road winding out of sight. Jesus, her son, had just taken his leave, his heart set on the journey that lay ahead—a journey of teaching, healing, and ultimately, sacrifice.

Mary's heart was heavy, filled with a mother's love and the foreknowledge of the trials her son would face. She recalled the angel's words, the promise of greatness for her child, yet in this moment, she held onto the image of Jesus, not as the savior of humanity, but as her little boy, whose tiny hands had once clung to hers.

As Jesus disappeared from view, Mary's eyes mirrored the deep well of human emotion—a mixture of pride, fear, and overwhelming love. She turned back into the solitude of her home, her faith a comforting shawl around her shoulders, but her human heart couldn't escape the sharp pangs of separation.

The days that followed were silent witnesses to Mary's quiet strength. She went about her work with a serene grace, but her prayers were fervent, seeking solace and protection for her beloved son. Mary's sorrow was a silent river that flowed through the daily rhythms of life in Nazareth, a testament to the bond between mother and child—a bond not even destiny could sever.

In the stillness of the night, when the world lay sleeping, Mary's thoughts would wander to Jesus, imagining the places he walked and the faces he touched. And in the solitude of her heart, she held an unwavering hope, a beacon that would guide her through the days of waiting until his return.

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