Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Thursday's Resolution

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Resolution - I will deposit the little privations that I meet with today, as an oblation at the feet of Jesus in the crib.

Spiritual Bouquet - "He has become poor that He might enrich us through His poverty"

Affections: O my beloved Savior, how little and poor art Thou for love of me! To elevate me, Thou dost abase Thyself; to enrich me with grace in this life, and with everlasting glory in the world to come, Thou art the purest of all the children of men. Full of reverence and grateful love, I kiss in spirit, Thy poor crib; and with all the fervor of my soul renew my holy vow of poverty renouncing all attachment to earthly things, and willingly, yea, cheerfully accepting the privations, discomforts and apparent forgetfulness of creatures. By the merits of Thy poverty, O my Jesus, replenish me with the warmth of Thy divine wisdom and love; enrich me with graces and virtues, that Thou mayest be my sole good here and in eternity.